Monday, July 27, 2009

One day Biotechnology event on 15th August 2009- Introduction

Dear Student Friends,

Helix Biotech group organizes a one-day biotech seminar in Dombivli, on 15th August 2009. The event aims to bring together established professionals in the biotech industry, biotech academicians & researchers, for the benefit of the student community.

Biotechnology has been the Buzzword in recent days. Every one says, “Biotechnology is the sunrise industry of this decade.” Haven’t we all been hearing this lot these days? But what is the industry looking for in a candidate and what does it offer to them?

This event aims to find out what exactly Biotech stands for and why it is said to be sunrise industry? Many of us only know Biotechnology, which is in the books and syllabus, but we are not aware of what is happening in the Industry; where we are supposed to work after completing education? Are we doing enough in our academics to become competent for the biotech market in India? As well as what is the status of Indian Biotech compared to the world? Where do we stand?

Let us try to find answers to all these questions.

The event will have a total of three seminars. Biotech Industry in India, Recent Developments in Biotech Research and Open discussion between Biotech professionals Biotech teachers as well as Biotech students.
First seminar will be on Indian Biotech Industry, by Mr. Avinash Deodhar, formulation Head from Bayer Pharma.

Second seminar is on recent developments in biotech research. Ms. Shilpa Pathak from NIRRH will deliver this seminar. She is PhD student and attended many research conferences at US.

Third seminar is Open discussion between Biotech professionals Biotech teachers as well as Biotech students. We have selected 18 biotech professionals who have completed their graduation / post graduation in Biotechnology and now working in different areas of biotech industry. They are ready to share their experience. So, please come to the event and ask what doubts you have about your biotech career.

The event will also have interesting Quiz competition for TY BSc and MSc Biotech students. FY BSc and SY BSc students can participate in the Poster competition. The rules and other details for the competitions will be provided to all participants at the time of registration.

Registration fee for all student participants is Rs.100. Students who are participating in Quiz / Poster competition has to pay extra 20 Rs. per team, as entry fee. For registering kindly send an email to .Limited seats are available. Last date of registration is 11th August 2009.

Yours Sincerely,

Akshay Phatak
Helix Biotech Group
Mob No: 09833191634

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